how to get rid of keloids from piercings

Keloids are raised, thick scars that can form around piercings, particularly on earlobes, cartilage, and nipples. They can be unsightly and uncomfortable and can cause itching, burning, and even pain. If you have keloids from piercings, there are several treatment options available to help get rid of them.

One of the most common treatments for keloids is the use of corticosteroid injections. These injections contain a steroid that helps to reduce inflammation and shrink the keloid. They are usually administered by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and may be repeated several times over several months.

Another treatment option is cryotherapy, which involves freezing the keloid with liquid nitrogen. This treatment causes the tissue to die and fall off, leaving behind smooth skin. Cryotherapy may be repeated several times for best results.

Laser therapy is another treatment option for keloids. Lasers are used to target and destroy the abnormal tissue, resulting in the shrinking of the keloid. This treatment is typically done by a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist.

Surgical excision is another treatment option for keloids. This procedure involves removing the keloid and the surrounding tissue. However, it is important to note that keloids have a high recurrence rate after surgical excision, and therefore it's used as a last resort.

Another option is to use silicone gel sheeting or silicone gel, which is applied to the keloid to help soften the scar and reduce itching and discomfort.

It's important to note that no single treatment is guaranteed to work for every individual, and a combination of treatments may be necessary. Furthermore, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon prior to proceeding with any treatment to ensure it's safe and appropriate for you.

In addition, it's essential to avoid any practices that could aggravate the keloid, such as picking or scratching the area, and avoid getting new piercings on the same spot.

In conclusion, keloids are raised, thick scars that can form around piercings. They can be unsightly and uncomfortable and can cause itching, burning, and even pain. There are several treatment options available to help get rid of them, including corticosteroid injections, cry

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